In Ayurvedic medicine health is described as a harmony or unity of consciousness with the body functions. This includes also the wellbeing which is created by a harmonious and satisfying contact between individuals and their environment. According to Ayurveda, human beings are built on the same principles as its environment. Shakti Vani Ayu deeply commits itself the Ayurvedic philosophy and lives the values that derived from the deep wisdom of Ayurveda. “Shakti Vani Ayu” means: strength, happiness and health are the sources for a full life in joy. In daily meditation Dr. Ravichandran M.D. (A.M.) (IND) is beholden to the three gods Saraswati, Ganesha and Lakshmi, holding their hands protectively over Shakti Vani Ayu, so that their blessing also reaches all people who are asking our advice.
The goddess of
wisdom and learning

The God of intelligence
and "Lord of Obstacles"

Goddess of happiness,
wealth and wellbeing